In Memory of Pat Murray

It is with great sadness that I learned about the passing of longtime friend of WFR Pat Murray. If I remember right, Pat and her lovely wife Jen showed up at the very first WFR session at the Turning Point Recovery Center. Like everyone else, Pat was new to this writing process. But like I suspect she did throughout her life, she jumped in with enthusiasm, good humor, and kindness.

From that first session, Pat gave generously with her time, her comments on other people’s work, and by sharing her story for the benefit of others working their recoveries. Like many in recovery, she had a hard story to tell, but she also wrote lovingly about her childhood, her life with Jen, and the crazy world we all live in. She shared her work in public readings, and proved every bit as charming and good-natured onstage as she was off. And throughout her long illness, she exuded the positive outlook and the care for others that she was known for.

Pat had many friends in the recovery community, who I’m sure will miss her greatly. Bess, Deb, and I are thinking fondly of Pat, and sending our love to Jen in this hard time. Pat, thanks for making our lives better.

Here’s Pat’s “I Am From” poem, which I have shared at countless opening workshops sessions. People always enjoy it, and I hope you will, too.

I Am From

by Pat Murray

I am from Italian streets, baked bread with a hard crust and a soft center.

I am from a breezy shore, sand and sun, endless days and nights of summer. 

I am from a thousand heartaches and a hundred tears, searching for a place called home.

I am from laughter and joy and sorrow and pain and back again.

I am from a town called old fashioned and a city called wild.

I am from a long lost time forgotten in memory,

too hard to remember, too painful to forget.

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