"Safely Silent Screaming" by Desiree

I had it locked away. 
I couldn’t use it. 
I couldn’t even access it anymore. 
It was buried and covered so deeply. 
There are still subtle vibrations and echoes, 
   when things get really still. 
But it just feels like an earthquake. 
Rumbling underneath me. 
My feet shifting and destabilizing me,
   more than I already have been,
   stumbling around from this already uneven ground. 
I shake and stir and rebalance
   in whatever contorted position is required to keep a level perspective. 
Can’t slip up. 
Not allowed to react or be affected by all of the injustices everywhere. 
It’s not safe to fix. 
It’s not safe to resolve. 
It’s not even safe to make it known or shed light on it. 
And that’s exactly why it’s been long locked away. 
                                                                                                My voice. 
She wants to change this for everyone, but it would kill us - 
   before we could truly deliver any of this healing she’s screaming for. 

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