T.W. Wood Gallery Features Works by Incarcerated Artists

“Self Portrait” by Idle

Montpelier was seriously knocked down by the July flood. But if you travel there now through September 22, 2023, you can view a wonderful exhibit of art created by incarcerated people in the West Virginia Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation.

Inside Out: IncARceraTion features drawings, paintings sculptures and other art created by incarcerated folks, along with audio narration by a young man (and current Goddard College student) who was formerly incarcerated there. Beautiful, emotion, and stark in their truth, the pieces presented provide an often lacking insight into the nature of incarceration and the people who live it, as well as the ability of creative expression to improve incarcerated peoples’s circumstances.

Be sure to see this important exhibit if you can. And stay tuned for collaboration between WFR and the folks who organized the exhibit!

For about the exhibit, click here.

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