"In Blank..." by Anonymous


In Blank I can be me

you, him, her, that, this

then, now, hard, soft 

In Blank I'm great 

In Blank I'm never alone

The characters here are all

familiar faces with the same


In Blank I have dreads 

that run down my back 

as I sit in my sunflower garden

(Make that mammoth sunflowers. There, that better?)

I love Blank

In Blank I can visit those that predeceased me 

and we hike and smoke our favorite tobacco 

laughing in Blank

My brother owns a white wolf 

who only obeys him and growls at me 

If I get too close, Bill thinks that's funny 

In Blank we wear our best clothes

In Blank the colors are much more vibrant

than anywhere in the world

In Blank I am the one I see

In Blank I laugh

I really need to spend more time in Blank

Because the here and now is Blank

In Blank that place we all 

can go where we control

our breathing

close our eyes

and we are there. 






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