"It Came Out of Nowhere," by Anonymous

It came out of nowhere, My Rage
that’s what I always say, afterwards
and I believe it
it certainly SEEMS true
when I explode over the smallest things
did it REALLY come out of nowhere?
or has it been brewing?
truth is, it’s always brewing
I'm on a hair trigger
and I don’t know how to take my finger off of it
I wish I could unload the gun
but it appears I have infinite ammo
I need a reverse cheat code
down down up up right left right left A B start
nope, that didn’t work
as expected
nothing works
“just choose to be happy”, they say
“they” always being someone who’s never had an angry thought in their life
sure, thanks Becky
why didn’t I think of that simplistic and unrealistic solution?
empty advice from a vapid mind
always something that’s been suggested a million previous times
and never works
yet that all think they’re saying something groundbreaking
“why don’t you just”
the rally cry of the heartless

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